
Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
Я всегда хотел быть чей нибудь собакой.

Инетересно, а если измена наваливается ни с того ни с сего-это тру?


Joy Division

Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
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Joy Division

Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
Radio, live transmission.

Radio, live transmission.

Listen to the silence, let it ring on.

Eyes, dark grey lenses frightened of the sun.

We would have a fine time living in the night,

Left to blind destruction,

Waiting for our sight.

And we would go on as though nothing was wrong.

And hide from these days we remained all alone.

Staying in the same place, just staying out the time.

Touching from a distance,

Further all the time.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.

Well I could call out when the going gets tough.

The things that we've learnt are no longer enough.

No language, just sound, that's all we need know, to synchronise

Love to the beat of the show.

And we could dance.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.

She's Lost Control

Confusion in her eyes that says it all.

She's lost control.

And she's clinging to the nearest passer by,

She's lost control.

And she gave away the secrets of her past,

And said I've lost control again,

And a voice that told her when and where to act,

She said I've lost control again.

And she turned around and took me by the hand and said,

I've lost control again.

And how I'll never know just why or understand,

She said I've lost control again.

And she screamed out kicking on her side and said,

I've lost control again.

And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd die.

She said I've lost control.

She's lost control again.

She's lost control.

She's lost control again.

She's lost control.

Well I had to 'phone her friend to state my case,

And say she's lost control again.

And she showed up all the errors and mistakes,

And said I've lost control again.

But she expressed herself in many different ways,

Until she lost control again.

And walked upon the edge of no escape,

And laughed I've lost control.

She's lost control again.

She's lost control.

She's lost control again.

She's lost control.

I could live a little better with the myths and the lies,

When the darkness broke in, I just broke down and cried.

I could live a little in a wider line,

When the change is gone, when the urge is gone,

To lose control. when here we come.


Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
А мы перого-второго июня едем в Рязань играть концерт, тоже мне гастроли....бля

И на опен эйре двадцать пятого...



Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
Clash City Rockers

An' I wanna move the town to the clash city


You need a little jump of electrical shockers

You better leave town if you only wanna knock us

Nothing stands the pressure of the clash city rockers

You see the rate they come down the escalator

Now listen to the tube train accelerator

Then you realise that you got to have a purpose

Or this place is gonna knock you out sooner or later

So don't complain about your useless employment

Jack it in forever tonight

Or shut your mouth and pretend you enjoy it

Think of all the money you've got

An' I wanna liquefy everybody gone dry

Or plug into the aerials that poke up in the sky

Or burn down the suburbs with the half-closed eyes

You won't succeed unless you try

You owe me a move say the bells of st. groove

Come on and show me say the bells of old bowie

When I am fitter say the bells of gary glitter

No one but you and I say the bells of prince far-i

No one but you and I say the bells of prince far-i

An' I wanna move the town to the clash city rockers

You need a little jump of electrical shockers

You better leave town if you only wanna knock us

Nothing stands the pressure of the clash city rockers

Rock rock clash city rockers

London"s burning

London's burning! london's burning!

All across the town, all across the night

Everybody's driving with full headlights

Black or white turn it on, face the new religion

Everybody's sitting 'round watching television!

London's burning with boredom now

London's burning dial 99999

I'm up and down the westway, in an' out the lights

What a great traffic system - it's so bright

I can't think of a better way to spend the night

Then speeding around underneath the yellow lights

London's burning with boredom now

London's burning dial 99999

Now I'm in the subway and I'm looking for the flat

This one leads to this block, this one leads to that

The wind howls through the empty blocks looking for a home

I run through the empty stone because I'm all alone

London's burning with boredom now...

London's burning dial 99999

Dirty Punk

Gonna be a dirty punk

Gonna rock your neighborhood

Do the sound of rebel funk

Turn it up loud like it should

I could hear your momma scream

She's gonna waste herself away

When your daddy smashed that tv screen

I understand what he had to say

I'm going to get me a big, big, big

Big, big car

Then I'm gonna drive, drive, drive

I'm gonna drive so far

Up your boulevard

Up your boulevard

So far up your boulevard

Gonna be a dirty punk

While my brother dresses clean

He used to be the local hunk

The girls all ride in my machine(? )

How bout the time I made him drunk

And he insult my brotherhood

I shout out I am a dirty punk

Gonna rock your neighbohood

I'm going to get a big, big, big

Big, big car

Then I'm gonna drive, drive, drive

I'm gonna drive so far

Up your boulevard

Up your boulevard

So far up your boulevard

Gonna get a big, big, big

Go faster!

Then I'm gonna go! big!

Let's go to (? ? ? )

Up your boulevard

Up your boulevard

Go so far up your boulevard

Gonna drive my big, big, big

Big, big car

Then I'm gonna drive, drive, drive

I'm gonna drive so far

Up your boulevard

Up your boulevard

So far up your boulevard

Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!

Пиратская песня Black Math

Don't you think that I'm bound to react now?

My fingers definitely turning to black now

Maybe I'll put my live on ice

And teach myself, maybe that'll be nice

My books are sitting at the top of the stack now

The longer words are really breaking my back now

Maybe I'll learn to understand

Drawing a square with a pencil in hand

Mathematically turning the page

Unequivocally showing my age

I'm practically center stage

Undeniably earning your wage

Maybe I'll put my live on ice

And teach myself, maybe that'll be nice

Listen master can I ask you a question

Is it the fingers, or the brain

That you're teaching this lesson?

Maybe I'll put my live on ice

And teach myself, maybe that'll be nice


Iggy Pop

Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
No fun

No fun my babe no fun

No fun my babe no fun

No fun to hang around

Feeling that same old way

No fun to hang around

Freaked out for another day

No fun my babe no fun

No fun my babe no fun

No fun to be around

Walking by myself

No fun to be alone

In love with nobody else

Well maybe go out maybe stay home

Maybe call mom on the telephone

Well come on, well come on,

Well come on..........


I am the passenger

And I ride and I ride

I ride through the city's backside

I see the stars come out of the sky

Yeah, they're bright in a hollow sky

You know it looks so good tonight

I am the passenger

I stay under glass

I look through my window so bright

I see the stars come out tonight

I see the bright and hollow sky

Over the city's a rip in the sky

And everything looks good tonight

Singin' la la la la la-la-la la

La la la la la-la-la la

La la la la la-la-la la la-la

Get into the car

We'll be the passenger

We'll ride through the city tonight

See the city's ripped insides

We'll see the bright and hollow sky

We'll see the stars that shine so bright

The sky was made for us tonight

Oh the passenger

How how he rides

Oh the passenger

He rides and he rides

He looks through his window

What does he see?

He sees the bright and hollow sky

He see the stars come out tonight

He sees the city's ripped backsides

He sees the winding ocean drive

And everything was made for you and me

All of it was made for you and me

'cause it just belongs to you and me

So let's take a ride and see what's mine


Oh, the passenger

He rides and he rides

He sees things from under glass

He looks through his window's eye

He sees the things he knows are his

He sees the bright and hollow sky

He sees the city asleep at night

He sees the stars are out tonight

And all of it is yours and mine

And all of it is yours and mine

Oh, let's ride and ride and ride and ride...



Bella Lugosi

Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
White on white translucent black capes

Back on the rack

Bela lugosi's dead

The bats have left the bell tower

The victims have been bled

Red velvet lines the black box

Bela lugosi's dead

Undead undead undead

The virginal brides file past his tomb

Strewn with time's dead flowers

Bereft in deathly bloom

Alone in a darkened room

The count

Bela logosi's dead

Undead undead undead


Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
За три дня пьянки мы нарвались на:

-соседи: 8(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) квартир.

-гопота: примерно девять человек.

-милиция: 1 наряд

Было выпито:

-не очень много 10 литров пива, 4 литра водки, 1 настойка,

пол-бутылки виски, 2 двухлитровые бутытки вина.

Было съедено:

-практически ничего


шестеро в общей сложности за три дня

Сломано:кравать, микрофонная стойка-лампа, рюмки и все....

Мы потели........


Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!


Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
Увидел клип в Бивисе и Батт-хеде.

Stone Roses




Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
я предлагаю пробить в стене дыру кувалдой , чтоб были видны ромбовидные перекрытия, шпакля и куски серого цемента. Если удасца заглянуть в межстенное пространство и увидеть безумный город-круто. если нет - довольствуйся малым. стены будут серыми и вздуто-холодными от постоянной влаги.узор мрамора-вот что будет. с потолкак кусочки вздутой желтой штукатурки и может даже сквозь балки-перегородки можно будет увидеть, как неживут соседи. Они были дома - просто окачурились и прованяли, так что в твоей квартире- смрад, типа трупный. И паркет- он весь оташел , как чешуя с рыбы, и если неосторожно ходить- можно напороться на гвоздь.

А ты посреди комнаты в тюрбане и с ножницами для подстрижки когтей у кошек.

типа клева.


Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!


Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!


Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!


Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
Типа прича похожа на эту:

@музыка: white stripes

Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
Я намутил себе Рокабилл-готик хаер, и теперь так хожу.

Уже концерт так отыграл..

а вот некоторые фото старые....ебать...

обнималки, распивалки, поссыкушки и неалё....обыденность олкашика.

обнималки и падения, мат


Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
Не советую путешествовать с мертвещом(с)

Знаете, позавчера осознал, что уже три года путешествую с Мертвецом...

И тока вчера дошло что надо сделать...............

Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!
читаю предыдущий пост- аж хуй встает - прям в духе Джеймса Хевока



Деваха свалила в чужие края, с работы погнали - дрочу безпонта!




@музыка: nowere